


北 京 化 工 大 学















 □本科生基础课程(通识教育及公共基础) 本科生中级课程(一级学科基础)

 □本科生高级课程(二级学科基础)      本科生深度课程(学科方向及特色)













 Experiments of Inorganic and Analytical ChemistryII




 □春季学期      □ 秋季学期      □ 小学期



《无机化学》 《分析化学》





参 考 书

《无机化学》 《分析化学》 《大学化学实验》



《无机及分析化学实验》的课程教育目标是: 使学生掌握无机及分析化学实验的基本操作、基本技能以及各种实验仪器的使用方法;掌握无机化合物分离、提纯和制备的基本方法,引导学生仔细观察实验现象;理解实验的设计原理、理解定量分析方法的基本原理,树立“量”的概念,学会对实验数据进行正确处理和评价;了解一些常用的无机化合物的性质,并能进行定量分析的基本操作。此外,更重要的是培养学生严谨的科学态度、严肃认真的工作作风和良好的化学素质,重在提高学生的能力,使学生能够运用所学知识解决实际问题,培养学生动手、观察、思考和表达的能力,提高学生的创新能力。化学实验教学中心遵循“加强基本训练、着重能力培养、培养创新精神”的原则,融传授知识、培养能力和提高素质为一体,在实验教学中要求学生掌握化学研究的一般方法,重视基本操作技术,提高学生分析问题和解决问题的能力,尤其要鼓励创新,重视创新能力、实践能力、学习能力的培养。



80学时,2.5 学分)

实验技术讲座 (2 学时)


实验一络合滴定法测定水的硬度 (5 学时)

了解测定水硬度的意义和常用的硬度表示方法;掌握EDTA 测定水的硬度的原理和方法;掌握EDTA 的配制和标定;掌握铬黑T 和钙指示剂的变色原理及使用方法。

实验二原子吸收法测定水的硬度 (4 学时)


实验三硫酸亚铁铵的制备及产品中Fe2+含量的测定 (10 学时)

(一)硫酸亚铁铵的制备 (5 学时)


(二)硫酸亚铁铵中Fe2+含量的测定(KMnO4 ) (5 学时)

掌握KMnO4 法测定Fe(II)的原理和方法;掌握KMnO4 的配制和标定。

实验四工业硫酸铜的提纯及其分析 (16 学时)

 () 工业硫酸铜的提纯 (4 学时)


 () 硫酸铜中铜含量的测定(碘量法) (5 学时)


 () 硫酸铜中Fe3+含量的测定(分光光度法) (4 学时)

掌握分光光度法测Fe3+的实验原理和方法;熟练掌握722 分光光度计的使用方法;了解计算机处理实验数据的方法。

 () 硫酸铜的差热分析 (3 学时)


实验五 三草酸合铁 (III) 酸钾的合成及组成测定 (4学时)

了解三草酸合铁(III)酸钾的制备原理和方法;掌握用KMnO4 法测定C2O42-Fe3+的原理和方法;进一步熟练掌握溶解、沉淀、洗涤、蒸发、浓缩、结晶、滴定等基本操作。

实验六 定pH 滴定法测定甲酸乙酸混合酸中各组分含量 (4学时)

了解定pH 法测定二元混酸的基本原理;掌握pH 计的基本操作;学会用计算机处理实验数据。

实验七 明矾的制备及铝含量的测定(6学时)


实验八 六水合硫酸镁铵的制备及镁含量的测定(6学时)


实验九  实验总结研讨课(3学时)

实验十 开放设计实验(Ⅰ) (10学时)


实验十一 开放设计实验(Ⅱ) (10学时)








张丽丹 靳兰 曹鼎 张春婷



Beijing University of Chemical Technology

Syllabus for Experiments of ChemistryⅡ

 Ⅰ. General Information

 Course Code

 ( if applied )


 Course Information

 ( for new course only )







 Total Class












 Lab Hours

 Course Title (in Chinese)

无机及分析化学实验 (II)

 Course Title (in English)

 Experiments of Inorganic and Analytical ChemistryII

 Applicable Majors

 Applied chemistry, science development class

 Semester Available

 □ Spring    □ Autumn    □ Summer

 Prerequisites (Course Title)

 Corequisites (Course Title)

Inorganic Chemistry》 《Analytical Chemistry

 Brief Course Description

Experiment of Chemistry is not only to impart knowledge, but also to verify the theory and master the skills of experiment. It is more important to help students develop the rigorous scientific attitude, serious style of work and good chemical quality with emphasis on improving students' abilities, especially the abilities of innovation.

 Textbooks Recommended

 YikanKe,etccollege chemical experiments (Second edition)chemical industrial press, Beijing2010.


Inorganic Chemistry》 《Analytical Chemistry

Experiments of Chemistry

 Ⅱ. Teaching Objectives

Experiment of Chemistry is an experimental science. Therefore, the chemistry experiment courses are compulsory courses of colleges of engineering (esp. Chemical engineering). With the integration and systematic trend of science and technology, it is necessary that students grasp the systematic knowledge of chemistry experiments, analysis, synthesis, and the ability to innovate. Experiments of Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry in the courses of University base on basic skills training of the chemical experiments, comprehensive chemical experiments and designing experiments to build experimental curriculum system, and to adapt to the requirements of the new century.

The goals of Experiments of Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry are as following: let students grasp the basic operations, basic skills and know how to use the instruments of Inorganic and Analytical Chemical experiments; Mastering the basic methods for separation, purification and preparation of inorganic compounds, then guide the students to observe the experimental phenomena carefully; Understanding the design principles, quantitative analysis methods of experiments, and the concept of “quantity”. Let students learn how to analysis and evaluate the experimental data. Let students understand the properties of common inorganic compounds, and master the basic operation of quantitative analysis. In additionIt is more important for Experiments of Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry to help students develop the rigorous scientific attitude, serious style of work and good chemical quality with emphasis on improving students' abilities, especially the abilities of innovation. Chemical experimental teaching center follow the strengthening of basic training, focusing on capacity-building, and cultivating the spirit of innovation; impart knowledge, build capacity and improve the quality as a whole. Chemical experimental teaching center put emphasis on basic operating techniques of experiment, the abilities to analyze problems and solve problems, in particular, to encourage innovation, practical ability and learning ability.

 Ⅲ. Teaching Content and Requirements for the Lecturing Part and Practical Part

Experiments of Inorganic and Analytical ChemistryII

(70 hours, 3.5 credits)

Experimental Technology Lectures (2 hours)

Lectures focus onthe synthesis of inorganic compounds; separation of inorganic compounds and purification technology and the analysis of inorganic compounds.

Experiment 1. The determination of the hardness of the water by a complexometric titration method (5 hours)

Understand the determination of the significance of water hardness and the expression method of the hardness; the principles and methods of water hardness by the EDTA method; the EDTA preparation and demarcation; the discoloration principle and using of the Eriochrome Black T and the calcium indicator.

Experiment 2. The atomic absorption method for the detection of the hardness of the water (4 hours)

Students should determine the principles and methods of water by atomic absorption method for hardness.

Experiment 3. Preparation of ammonium ferrous sulfate and the observation of the Fe2 + content of the as-prepared product (10 hours)

3.1 Preparation of ammonium ferrous sulfate (5 hours)

The preparation of the double salt involves water bath heating, vacuum filtration, evaporation, crystallization and other basic operations. The characterization of the as-prepared ammonium ferrous sulfate employs the visual colorimetric semi-quantitative analysis.

3.2 The Determination of Fe2+ in Ammonium ferrous sulfate by the KMnO4 method (5 hours)

Students should understand the principles and methods of determination of Fe2+ (II) by the KMnO4 method; the observation includes the preparation and demarcation of KMnO4.

Experiment 4. Purification and analysis of experiments four industrial copper sulfate (16 hours)

4.1 Purification of industrial copper sulfate (4 hours)

The basic operation involves dissolving, stirring, heating, filtration, evaporation, crystallization, vacuum filtration and recrystallization method for purifying the soluble substance.

4.2 The determination of copper sulphate of copper content (iodometric method) (5 hours)

The experiment covers the preparation and demarcation of sodium thiosulphate standard solution where the principles of the iodometric determination of Cu2+ in copper sulfate should be understood.

4.3 Detection of Fe3+ content in copper sulfate (spectrophotometry) (4 hours)

Students should understand the principles and methods of spectrophotometry for Fe3+ observation; need the proficiency in the use of spectrophotometer 722; understand the computer processing of the experimental data.

4.4 Differential thermal analysis of copper sulfate (3 hours)

Students should understand the basic principles and methods of differential thermal analysis; understand of the structure and operation methods of differential thermal analyzer; learn the qualitative, quantitative analysis and processing of the differential thermal map.

Experiment 5. Synthesis and the composition determination of potassium trioxalatoferrate (III) (8 hours)

Students should understand the principles and method of the preparation for potassium trioxalatoferrate (III).The principles and methods of KMnO4 for the detection of C2O42- and Fe3+ should be paid attention. The whole experiment involves dissolution, precipitation, washing, evaporation, concentration, crystallization, titration and other basic operations.

Experiment 6.The given pH titration of formic acid and acetic acid and the detection of the composition of the mixed acid (4 hours)

Students should understand the basic principle of the determination of binary mixed acid by introducing pH and the basic operation of the pH meter; learn how to use the computer processing experimental data.

Experiment 7. Synthesis and the composition determination ofKAl(SO4)2·12H2O(6 hours)

Students should learn the preparation of complexes and the determination conditions; grasp the determination of Aluminum content by complexometric titration method; master how to choose the   titration indicator and titration conditions.

Experiment8.Synthesis and the composition determination of(NH4)2Mg(SO4)26H2O(6 hours)

Students should learn the preparation of complexes and the determination conditions; grasp the determination of magnesium content by complexometric titration method; master how to choose the   titration indicator and titration conditions.

Experiment 9.  seminar (3 hours)

Experiment 10. Open experiment (10 hours)

Student select a topic of open experiment, access to reference information, apply their theoretical knowledge which have learned, and then write a preliminary design; submit the preliminary design to the instructor. Teachers would give their reasonably advices. After that, the students carry out their design—do the experiment, process the data and present the report to the instructor. The lab will open a small meeting where we organize students in the multimedia classroom. Students will explain the whole process of the experiment, and answer questions from students and teachers.

Experiment 11. Open experiment (10 hours)

Student select a topic of open experiment, access to reference information, apply their theoretical knowledge which have learned, and then write a preliminary design; submit the preliminary design to the instructor. Teachers would give their reasonably advices. After that, the students carry out their design—do the experiment, process the data and present the report to the instructor. The lab will open a small meeting where we organize students in the multimedia classroom. Students will explain the whole process of the experiment, and answer questions from students and teachers.

 Ⅳ. Assignments

After finishing every experiment, the students are required to finish the experimental report and to send the report to the teacher in the experiment time.

 Ⅴ. Grading and Assessment

Ordinary mark is 70%, preview is 20%, operation is 40%, and the experiment report is 40%.  

End semester test is 30%.

 Ⅵ. Author

Zhang Lidan   Jin Lan  Cao Ding   Zhang Chunting
